Becoming a Student
It's your journey

Becoming a student is different than remaining a client. To be a student is to know that you are ready to continuously work on the self. It is also the path you would take if you want to be taught to do what I do. While being a client still gives you access to all of my services, there are benefits to becoming a student. For example, I will not teach chaneling or tarot reading to anyone who has not been a student for a minimum of 2 years. I hold to this because many people misuse these gifts..using them for personal benefit or gain (potentially at the cost of others) without any intention of truly helping people. I must get to know you and learn your intentions before I offer this teaching.
As a student you will have access to many teachings and have the opportunity to group up with other students down the road, should you wish to. This would make you a senior student and you would only be grouped with other senior students, up to a maximum of 6.
I highly recommend this to my students who are ready to embrace what they have learned from me and are ready to help others. Grouping you with other students will give you the opportunity to enchance your skills and allow you to practice your chaneling amongst each other and prepare you in becoming a teacher/guide for others.
There are two requirements that go along with becoming a student:
First, you must see me weekly (or make up the time if life happens, as it will) for a 1-2 hour one on one session...the benefit here is that I offer my students 2 hours for the price of 1 on these weekly sessions only. If you are only available 1 hour a week for a session, that is ok but the full hourly rate applies. These sessions are geared to working on the self and connecting with the self. It's all about you! I will work with you to find a time slot during the day or evening that is convenient on a weekly basis for you.
Second, you commit to taking the Chakra Course within one year of becoming a student. The Chakra Course is designed to teach you how to tap into your inner strengths and empower your life. The inner work that you will do via the Seven Major Chakra Energy Centers will empower you and raise your vibration. As a teacher, I believe you cannot help others if you have not yet helped yourself. If you have blockages and past regressions that you refuse to work through, this will impact you in helping others.
Becoming a student is a committment. As your teacher, my commitment is to provide guidance, insight and the tools you will need to learn in order to become a teacher yourself, should that be your goal. Some students have no intention of teaching others and are simply looking to grow as a person on a spiritual and personal level. If you decide that you would like to be a student please contact me to set up a regular time slot at (613)806-3667 or email