Course Catalog

Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki I & II
Interested in giving Reiki to others? Get certified with Reiki Level I & II. In this course you will learn:
- The history of Reiki
- How to connect with Reiki energy
- How to apply three Reiki symbols (as drawn by Mrs.Takata)
- How to open your upper chakra centers
- Hand positions for self and others (practice time will be provided)
- The following Japanese Reiki techniques, and how/when to apply them: Gassho meditation, Reiji-ho, Chiryo, Kenyoku, Koki-ho, Gyoshi-ho, Byosen Scanning (self and others), Jacki-Kiri Joka-ho and Enkaku chiryo
- How to apply the Hayashi Healing Guide (developed by Dr.Hayashi)
Along with learning the above you will receive:
- Two attunements/Placements
- Three Reiki symbols (as drawn by Mrs.Takata)
- One manual "Reiki The Healing Touch First and Second Degree Manual" (written by William Lee Rand and provided by Vision Publications)
- Certificate provided by The Spiritual Doorway upon completion of test (practice time provided)
Duration : 2 days from 9am-6pm
Price: $375.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 4 or more.

Advanced Reiki Training (ART)
If you have your Reiki Level 1 & 2 certification (Proof of certification required) then you may register for Advance Reiki Training (ART).
In Advance Reiki Training you will learn:
- How to apply the Usui Master Symbol (4th Usui Symbol - Reisho style)
- Various mediations such as Reiki, Moving and meet your Reiki guide
- Hand positions to perform for others "Reiki Aura Clearings " (Psychic Surgery)

Healing with Crystals & Wands Course
This course is designed to teach you how to heal, undo blockages and reduce stress using the aid of Crystals and Wands. As a massage tool, wands help to release tension and many stones possess healing properties. Wands come in a variety of crystals and stones. You will learn to work with the body's energy and scan the aura and chakras in order to locate and cleanse blockages.
Practice time is provided.
Duration: 6 hours (9am-3pm)
Price: $350.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 2 or more.

Crystal & Stone Meditation Course
In this course, you will learn the many facets and applications of a variety of crystals and stones.
You will also experience two types of meditations during your course.
~This course comes with a little gift from me to you...choose two rough crystal points to take home~
Duration: 3 hrs
Price: $280.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 2 or more.

Akashic Record Course + Meditation
In this course, you will journey through three doors in the universe: past, present and future. You will learn how to access each door through guided meditation.
Duration: 3 hrs
Price: $280.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 2 or more.

Spiritual Doorway Into the Chakra System
The Chakra System Course is designed to bring the unconscious into the consciousness.
Remember, the only thing you leave with when you depart this earth plane is your Soul Self, everything else gets left behind. Where you are in your spiritual growth is where you start in the after life...the lessons that you came here to learn and your life purpose depends on remembering who you are in balance, as you can raise your vibrations with the inner work that you do via the Seven Major Chakra Energy centers which resides within yourself.
I've designed this unique course for all backgrounds and levels, from beginner to advanced. No matter where you find yourself at this time in your life, you can:
- Learn how to tap into your inner strengths and empower your life with positive changes.
- Learn how to see through the illusion of life's illusions.
Habits, patterns and beliefs can driect our lives in the way that we behave and interact with others. If we continue to get hurt or to hurt others we should take a look at the habits, patterns and beliefs that keep us in this never ending cycle.
In my humble opinion, life is what you make it. You can either choose to create chaos or you can choose to create balance and harmony, the choice is yours. If you find yourself asking the same questions as I did at the age of 33..."Is there more to life than this?" ..."God, what is it all about?" ..."What is my life purpose?"...then this is the course for you! The Chakra course is designed to assist you on a spiritual, personal, and professional level.
If you are intrigued by any of the above then maybe, just maybe, it's time to get connected with the self and create balance in your life.
Duration: 2 hours once a week for 8 weeks - we will book a convenient time slot.
Price: $995.00 + h.s.t
For more information about this course, and to book a time slot please click here to contact us.

Clearing and Charging Stones & Crystals
In this course, you will learn how to clear and charge precious stones and crystals. I will provide stones and crystals for practice purposes during this course but note that you are also welcome to bring your own stones and crystals to work with.
Duration: 1 hour
Price: $80.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 4 or more.

Past Life Regression Course
In this course, you will learn how to journey into your past, present and future lives and bring into your consciousness the habits and patterns that may be currently controlling you.
Example: unexplainable fears, pains, etc.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: $120.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 4 or more.

Spheres & Stones Course plus Meditation
In this course, you will learn how to utilize spheres and stones, followed by a meditation at the end.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: $80.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 4 or more.

Skulls & Stones Course plus Meditation
In this course, you will learn how to create a grid and the many facets of skulls, followed by a meditation.
Duration: 1.5 hours
Price: $80.00 + h.s.t
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 4 or more.

Safe Place Meditation & Chakra System Overview
In this course you will learn how to find and experience your safe place through mediation, while being grounded. You will also receive a brief overview into the Chakra System.
Duration: 1.5 hrs
Price: $120.00 + h.s.t.
If this course is not shown in our current course calendar you may click here to book one for a group of 2 or more.